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单词 smoke
释义 smoke[sməuk]n.1.■烟;一缕烟,一团烟,烟柱2.■烟尘,烟雾;尘雾3.■水蒸气;雾气4.■模糊视线的东西5.■(驱虫等用的)熏烟,烟熏剂6.■冒烟;吸烟,一次抽烟7.■香烟;雪茄烟8.■模糊,混乱9.■[比喻] 烟幕,假象10.■虚无,乌有11.■假酒,劣质酒12.■烟灰色,烟青色13.■[俚语] (印度)大麻14.■[澳大利亚英语] 大城市15.■[美国俚语、贬义] 黑人16.■【棒球】快投,快球17.■【化学】悬浮颗粒vi.1.■冒烟,排烟:The wet firewood smokes badly.湿柴冒烟冒得厉害。The chimney of my house is smoking.我们家的烟囱正在排烟。2.■冒气;扬尘:You can see the ground smoking.你可以看到大地在冒着热气。His horse smoked away.他的马卷起一团烟尘跑开了。3.■一溜烟地跑,飞快行进;[澳大利亚英语] 逃走:She kissed my cheek and then smoked into her house.她亲了一下我的脸颊,然后一溜烟地跑回了家。4.■升腾;弥漫:The morning mist smoked over the mountain village.小山村弥漫在晨雾之中。5.■吸烟,抽烟:No smoking here.此处禁止吸烟。I don't like cigar. It smokes hard.我不喜欢雪茄,雪茄抽起来劲太大。6.■[俚语] 吸食大麻(或印度大麻):Do you like to smoke? I have some.你想抽点大麻吗?我这儿还有点儿。7.■[俚语] 开枪:No smoking, I go.别开枪,我走好了。8.■[俚语] 脸红:What he said made me smoke.他所说的话让我脸红。9.■[古语] 受罚;受苦vt.1.■吸(烟卷等):to smoke a pipe抽烟斗I like to smoke a cigar.我喜欢抽雪茄。2.■用烟熏(驱虫、消毒等):to smoke a cupboard用烟熏柜橱Smoking is the old way for driving out mosquitoes.烟熏是古老的驱蚊方法。3.■熏制(鱼、肉等):Do you like smoked goose?你喜欢吃熏鹅吗?4.■把…熏黑,把…熏脏:the smoked walls被熏黑的四壁5.■以烟雾掩盖(或遮蔽):to smoke the gun positions to avert the air attack用烟雾掩蔽炮阵,以免受到空袭6.■使(自己)经受火的洗礼;(以吸烟或毒品)使进入某种状态,吸(大麻或印度大麻)7.■[废语] 取笑,嘲弄8.■[古语] 注意;怀疑end (up) in smoke烟消云散;完全落空from (the) smoke into (the) smother[古语] 越来越糟;躲过一枪,挨了一刀go up in smoke被烧光,化为灰烬[口语] = end in smokehave a smoke抽支烟;抽口烟,抽一会儿烟Holy smoke!哎呀!好家伙![用于表示惊讶等的感叹语]like smoke[俚语]一溜烟地,飞快地容易地,顺利地take a smoke= have a smokeThere's no smoke without fire.= Where there's smoke there's someone's smoke[美国俚语] 看某人干得多卖力;看某人大显身手Where there's smoke there's fire.[谚语] 无火不起烟;事出有因,无风不起浪。变形vi.smokedsmoking




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