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单词 scour 1
释义 scour1['skauə]vt.1.■擦净,擦亮:to scour the coffee service把咖啡具擦干净2.■除去…的油污(污渍等):to scour the oil sludge on the wall擦拭掉墙上的油污3.■冲刷(管道);疏通(河道等):to scour the sewer冲刷下水道to scour away the sands冲走泥沙4.■冲成:to scour a channel冲出一条沟5.■洗刷,洗涤:to scour away the stains洗掉污迹6.■清除…中的杂物:to scour the mixture in the grain清除掉谷物中的杂物7.■荡涤,肃清:to scour the spies肃清敌特8.■打(虫),泻(肚):to take anthelmintic to scour the parasite吃驱虫药打虫9.■灌(肠),洗(胃):to scour the stomach for the horse给马洗胃10.■【冶金学】侵蚀,烧蚀:The walls of the furnace are always scoured.冶炼炉墙总会被烧蚀。vi.1.■擦,磨;拭光,擦亮:to scour at the rust磨掉铁锈2.■拭去,擦掉(away, off, out):to scour out the water stain on the floor拭去地板上的水渍3.■洗净;能擦洗干净:Could you scour? They are too dirty.这些东西太脏了,你能洗干净吗?4.■清除;肃清:The stains scours difficultly.这些污渍很难清除掉。5.■(家畜)腹泻,拉肚子:You can't ride this horse. It scours.你不能骑这匹马,它在拉肚子。6.■(犁等)翻地时不沾泥:This plow sours well.这种犁耕地不沾泥。7.■恶化,变坏Relations with his neighbors suddenly sours.他与邻居的关系突然恶化。n.1.■擦;洗;拭2.■冲刷;冲刷处3.■清除;肃清4.■被擦洗掉的污垢5.■擦拭用物;冲刷用物6.■擦拭(或冲刷)干净的地方7.■(流水等的)冲刷力,冲蚀力8.■清洗剂,洗涤剂,除垢剂9.■[复数,用作单数或复数](牛、马等的)腹泻,痢疾




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