单词 | roll |
释义 | roll[rəul]vi.1.■滚,滚动:The dog is rolling on the lawn.狗在草坪上打滚。2.■(眼泪等)滚落:Lucy's tears rolled down her face.露西的眼泪从她的脸上滚了下来。3.■(车辆)行驶;用车运送:The train was rolling at high speed.火车在高速行驶。Our school bus rolled along the highway.我们的校车在公路上行驶。4.■盘旋:Dark smoke was rolling up from the chimney.黑烟从烟囱里袅袅上升。5.■(岁月等)流逝;(时间)不知不觉地到来:The years are rolling on.岁月在流逝。Spring rolled around again.春天不知不觉地又来到了。6.■(天体等)循环运行:The planets roll on their courses.行星沿轨道运行。7.■翻滚;奔腾;顺流而下:A black car rolled down the hill.一辆黑色汽车从山坡上翻滚下来。Like the Yellow River,time keeps rolling along.时间像黄河一样不断滚滚奔腾向前。8.■(地势等)起伏;伸展:The hills rolled toward the horizon.地平线上山峦起伏。9.■(雷、鼓等)发出隆隆声;(鸟等)啭鸣:The thunder rolled in the distance.远方雷声隆隆。10.■[美国英语]【橄榄球】横移突破,向场边跑动[全称roll out]11.■[古语]漫步;徘徊;流浪12.■卷;绕;裹;被烫平:Hedgehogs can roll into balls.刺猬能滚成一团,形成圆球。13.■(眼球等)转动,旋转:Her eyes were rolling with fear.她吓得眼珠上下打转。14.■(船只等)颠簸;摇晃:The ship was rolling heavily to and fro on the rough seas.船在汹涌的波涛中晃来晃去很不平稳。15.■蹒跚而行:The old man rolled up to me.这位老人步履蹒跚地向我走来。He is rolling drunk.他醉得东倒西歪。16.■辗;轧;擀:The dough is so wet that it won't roll.面团水太多,不能擀。17.■(话语)滔滔不绝:Words of gratitude were rolling from her lips.她在滔滔不绝地讲着感激的话。18.■(机器)运转;开机;(电影等)开拍:Their electric pumps are rolling twelve hours a day.他们的电泵每天运转12小时。Let them roll!开机!(拍电影或电视剧时用语)19.■[口语]富有;拥有(常与in连用):They are rolling in money and property.他们拥有大量的钱财。She is rolling in luxury.她过着奢华的生活。20.■[口语]出发;开始行动:Hurry up.It's time to roll.快点,该出发了。21.■[口语]笑声不止;捧腹大笑:They were rolling with laughter.他们笑得前仰后合。His jokes kept us rolling about all evening.他的笑话使我们捧腹大笑了一晚上。vt.1.■使滚动:They often rolled the snowballs in winter.他们在冬天常常滚雪球玩。The strong wind rolled the waves onto the shore.大风吹着海浪滚上海岸。2.■推车;用车载运:The school bus rolled us to the airport.校车载送我们到机场。3.■开动,使开始运转:to roll the camera使照相机开始运转4.■急速地擂(鼓):They rolled their drums to bring out the villagers.他们击鼓召唤村民。5.■声音洪亮地说出:The actor rolled out his words so that every one in the theatre could hear what he said.那位演员声音洪亮地朗诵台词,以使剧场中的每个人都能听到他讲的话。6.■卷舌发出:He can't roll his r's.他不能卷舌发出r音。7.■使左右摇晃:The high waves rolled the little boat from side to side.巨浪使小船左右摇晃。8.■使(眼球等)左右转动;传送秋波:The boy rolled his eyes in amazement.男孩惊愕得眼珠上下打转。She kept rolling her eyes at the young man.她不断向那个小伙子传送秋波。9.■卷;绕;搓:She rolled up her sleeves and started washing.她卷起袖子,开始洗衣服。You should roll the wool into a ball before you start knitting.你应当在织毛活儿以前先把毛线绕成线球。10.■裹:He rolled himself up in a blanket.他用一条毯子把自己裹起来。11.■辗;轧;擀;烫平:They were rolling the playground with a steam-roller.他们正在用压路机压平操场。12.■[美国英语]掷(骰子):She was lucky to roll an eight.她很幸运掷出个8点。13.■【印刷】把油墨滚在…上14.■[美国俚语]盗窃(喝醉或睡着的人)口袋里的财物:He had been beaten up and rolled.他受到毒打并被翻来转去地搜遍全身抢尽财物。n.1.■滚动;翻滚2.■纸卷;卷轴;卷状物3.■目录;登记表;名册4.■卷;捆;匹5.■卷饼;小圆面包;卷状食品6.■滚筒;滚轴7.■辗子8.■【印刷】油墨辊9.■【建筑工程】(柱顶的)旋涡状装饰10.■(地势的)起伏11.■摇摆,晃动12.■(鼓的)急敲声;(雷等的)隆隆声13.■(鸟的)啭鸣声14.■(话语的)抑扬声调15.■【语言学】滚音,颤音16.■[美国俚语]一捆(或一卷)钞票17.■【航空学】(飞机的)横滚18.■(服装的)滚边;卷边19.■【装订】压印机20.■[俚语]性交近义词listbig roll[美国俚语]巨款call the roll点名,点卯go and have a roll[俚语][用于祈使句]滚开honour roll(中、小学优秀生)光荣榜;荣誉册(纪念碑上或纪念馆里的)阵亡将士名单on a roll超常发挥,连续获胜中;正在走好运,交好运,手气好,处在走运的时期,飞黄腾达[与一修饰词连用,表示某一特种势头]:on a wild roll now现在已达顶峰状态snap roll快滚(一种特技飞行)strike someone off(或from)the rolls开除,把…除名从(律师)名册上取消某人的名字,吊销某人的律师执照 |
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