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单词 reduce to
释义 reduce to1.■把…粉碎为,捣碎为;碾碎为:A crushing machine reduces big rocks to powder.粉碎机能把大石块轧成粉末。2.■换算成:To reduce pounds to pence you multiply by a hundred.镑乘以一百就折合成便士。3.■把…归纳为;把…简化为:We can reduce his argument to three basic facts.我们可以把他的论点归纳为三件主要事实。4.■使身体瘦弱;使精神衰弱:Worry about the business reduced him to a nervous wreck.生意上的烦恼事把他愁得不成人样了。5.■使丧失(尊严);使陷入(困境):Most peasants were reduced to eating grass and leaves during the severe famine in 1934.在1934年严重饥荒期间,大多数农民都吃草和树叶。6.■把(化合物)分解为:This substance can be reduced to a single chemical and oxygen by passing an electrical charge through it.通电后,这种物质可以被分解为一种单一的化学制品和氧。7.■把…降职为:The head nurse was reduced to ordinary nurse due to malpractice.这位护士长由于玩忽职守被降职为普通护士。8.■把…驳倒;把…贬得一文不值:Her clever speech reduced the speaker's argument to nonsense.她的机敏的发言把讲演人的论点驳成一派胡言。




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