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单词 reach
释义 reach[ri:tʃ]vt.1.■伸出(手等)She reached out her hands and held her mother.她伸出双手抱住她的母亲。2.■伸手(或脚等)及到,触及,够到:to reach the clock on the wall伸手够到墙上的钟。3.■把…递给:Reach me the sugar,please.请把糖递给我。4.■到达,抵达:to reach my native village到达我的故乡5.■达到;传到;传入:The news only reached her last month.这个消息上个月才传入她耳中。6.■总计,计达:to reach five hundred dollars总计 500 美元7.■影响;对…起作用:His father was reached by their persuasion at last.他的父亲最后终于被他们说服了。8.■与…取得联系:to reach someone by cable用电报与某人联系9.■[美国俚语]贿赂,收买10.■包容,涉及于vi.1.■伸出手脚等:Two hands reached from behind his back suddenly and blindfolded his eyes.突然两只手从他背后伸过来蒙住他的眼睛。2.■延伸,到达:as far as my arm can reach就我臂长所及3.■计达,共计(与 to,into 连用):The audience on the opening night of the play reached to ten thousand.那出戏首次公演之夜观众达万人之多。4.■传到;遍及:The appeal for peace reached throughout the world.和平的呼声遍及世界。5.■竭力想得到;争取:She reached for the book, but it was too high on the shelf.她想拿那书,可是书在书架上,太高够不着。6.■【航海学】横风行驶7.■收买n.1.■伸;伸展2.■伸出的距离,可达到的距离3.■(影响等)所及范围4.■区域;地段;河段5.■[美国英语](车辆前后轴的)连接杆6.■【航海学】横风行驶7.■[R-]援手组织(美国底特律市一个救济团体)近义词gainachieveattainaccomplishbeyond(或above,out of)someone's(或the) reach力所不能及的;无法理解的;无法达到的[亦作out of reach of]make a reach for (something 或 someone)想抓住;伸手去拿within (easy) reach of在…附近,距离…不远;在手边within someone's reach某人力所能及的;为某人所能理解的;在某人能够得到的范围内[亦作within reach,within the reach 或 within reach of,within the reach of]




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