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单词 put on
释义 put on1.■穿上,戴上(衣、帽、眼镜等):What dress shall I put on for the meeting?我穿什么衣服去开会?2.■增添,增加(体重、肌肉、速度等);加(若干数目)在价格(等)上:He didn't want to put on more weight.他不想增加体重。3.■装出(某种样子);假装有;装腔作势,装模作样:She's not really ill;she puts it on to get others' sympathy.她其实没有什么病,她是为了博得他人同情而装病的。4.■使用(刹车等),施加(压力等),使用(力气等):The athlete put on a sprint of speed to make it.运动员在到达终点前进行冲刺。5.■表演;演出,上演(戏剧等):The local drama group are putting on “Sister Jiang” at the Capital Theatre.当地的剧团正在首都剧场演出《江姐》。6.■把…放上去:Please put the kettle on.请把水壶放上去。7.■打开(煤气、电灯、收音机等):It's getting dark;put on the light.天快黑了,开灯吧。8.■把…作为一种负担加在某人身上:I hope our arriving late didn't put them on.我希望我们迟到一事不至于给他们带来不便。9.■使可供使用;供应:So many people wanted to go to the match that another train had to be put on.有那么多人想去观看比赛,所以只好加开一班火车。10.■派(某人)干某事或从事某种活动:Who are you putting the difficult task on?你们准备派谁去完成这项艰巨的任务?11.■使(某人)和另一个人联系上;为(某人)接通电话:Could you put me on to a good dentist?你能帮我找个好的牙医吗?12.■使(某人)注意;使(某人)警惕:It was the spy's suspicious manner that first put us on to him.最初引起我们对这个间谍警惕的是他的可疑的举止。13.■把(钟)向前拨,拨快(钟表):to put the clock on three minutes把时钟拨快3分钟14.■把…作为赌注,押(注),打赌:I've put ten dollars on that horse to win.为了想赢,我在那匹马上押了10美元。15.■提名某人作候选人:For one reason or another,he was pushed off the ticket and his brother was put on.由于某种原因,从候选人名单中取消了他,而放上了他弟弟的名字。16.■使(某人)起床:Her son had gone to bed and I had to ask her to put him on,so that I could speak to him myself.她的儿子已经睡了,我只好请她把儿子叫起来,以便我能亲自和他谈话。17.■【板球】使(投球手)上场;得分:They put on 50 runs in the last hour of play.在比赛的最后一小时内,他们得了50分。18.■估计,猜测(某物的价格):What price would you put on this fine old silver cup?你看这个精致的旧银杯值多少钱?19.■征收,征课:The government is proposing to put on a new range of taxes to pay for social services.政府准备征收一系列新税,以应付社会的开支。20.■加速:We had better put on the pace.我们最好加快步伐。21.■[美国俚语]把…当傻瓜戏弄,愚弄,嘲弄;欺骗,哄骗:No, you're putting on me!不,你在骗我!22.■[俚语]吃:As he has a bad cold,he has put on nothing but a bowl of porridge.他因为重感冒,今天只喝了一碗粥。




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