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单词 put forward
释义 put forward1.■把…拿出来给人看:The woman put forward a red silk as well as a blue one for our inspection.这个妇女拿出一条红丝绸和一条蓝丝绸给我们检查。2.■提出(要求、事实、计划、建议、意见、办法等):The Trade Union Congress put forward a plan for national recovery.工会大会提出一项振兴国家的计划。3.■推举(候选人等),推荐(某人)作候选人;突出(某人):I've put you forward as the best man for the job.我已经提名你为这项工作的最佳人选。4.■使加快,促进:The hi-tech has put forward our production this year.高科技促进了我们今年生产的发展。5.■把(钟或表的针)向前拨,拨快:My watch was slow, so I put it forward three minutes.我的手表慢了,所以我把它向前拨了三分钟。6.■把…提前,使提前:We've put forward the date of our wedding by one month.我们将婚礼的日子提前了一个月。7.■往前放(或移):When he was putting the chair forward,it broke down.他把椅子向前移动时,椅子坏了。8.■给人看,出示:When he got to the entrance,he put the pass forward to the guard.他走到入口处时,向门卫出示了通行证。




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