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单词 raise
释义 raise[reiz]vt.1.■举起;提起;使升高:She raised her head and went out without a word.她什么也没说,扬起头来走了出去。All the students raised their hands.所有的学生都举起手来。2.■扶起;使直立:He raised the old woman from her knees and took her home.他把跪在地上的老太婆扶起来,送回家去。3.■建立;修建:They have raised a monument in memory of the great writer.他们修建了一座纪念碑来纪念这位伟大的作家。4.■唤起;激起;惹起:This book raised my interest in the study of history.这本书引起了我研究历史的兴趣。She raised her sister out of sleep.她将妹妹唤醒。5.■提高(价格等);增加(尺寸、数量等):They raised the price of rice from $1.5 to $2.5 per kilogram.他们将米价由每公斤1.5美元提高到2.5美元。We have raised the coal output by using better mining methods.我们利用更好的采煤法增加了煤炭产量。6.■提高(程度、强度等):He raised his voice but still I could not hear him.他提高了嗓门,但我依然听不见他说什么。We raised her spirits with encouragement.我们用鼓励的话给她打气。7.■提升;改善(境遇等):His salary was raised to $1 500 per month.他的薪金增加到每月1 500美元。8.■提高(名声等):His prestige has been raised greatly since he was promoted to the president of the university.自从他升为大学校长以后,他的声望大大提高。9.■使出现;使复活:The old witch said she could raise the dead.老巫婆说她能起死回生。10.■引起;招致:His words raised a blush on her cheeks.他的话使她脸红。The child's innocent remark raised a laugh.孩子的天真的话逗得人们大笑。11.■种植(庄稼);饲养(牲畜);养育(子女):He was raised in a poor family.他是在一个贫困家庭中长大的。They raised a flock of sheep.他们养着一群羊。12.■提出(问题等):I'd like to raise a new question before the meeting is over.会议闭会前我想提出一个新的问题。13.■筹集(款项);招募(兵员);集结:We have raised a five-thousand-pound fund for the Red Cross.我们为红十字会筹集了一笔五千镑的资金。The foolish king raised an army against his elder brother.这位糊涂国王招兵买马反抗他的哥哥。14.■发出(叫喊声等):The children raised a cheer when they saw their teacher coming.看见老师来了,孩子们欢呼起来。15.■结束(某种状态等);撤除;解禁:The blockade was raised last night.封锁于昨晚解除。16.■使(面包等)膨胀:The dough has not been raised.面团没发起来。17.■使(水疱等)凸起来:Blisters were raised on her feet.她的脚磨出了水疱。18.■使(布料等)起绒,起毛19.■用无线电等与…建立联系:He is going to raise us on the telephone.他将用电话和我们取得联系。20.■[美国英语]【商业】(用欺诈手法)增加(支票的)面值:It is said that she raised the cheque.据说她私自涂改了支票。21.■[美国英语]【桥牌】增加(对家的)叫牌能力22.■[苏格兰方言]使发怒23.■[美国英语]【扑克】增加赌注(超过前一人的赌注):I'll raise 50 dollars.我加50美元(赌注)。24.■【数学】使自乘:The first question is to raise 4 to the third power.第一道题是使4自乘到三次幂。25.■【航海学】使…进入视线;看得见(地平线上的事物):Now we raised a ship far away on the horizon.现在我们看到远处的地平线上有一艘轮船。26.■【语音学】抬高舌位以改变(元音)发音:You must raise the a of “man” to e when you pronounce“men.”对“men”一词发音时,必须将“man”一词的a音作舌位升高发出e音。27.■【法律】提起(诉讼等)vi.1.■上升,升高,升起;She raised higher and higher in the sofa.她的身子在沙发里越挪越高。2.■[美国英语]【扑克】增加赌注:I waited for a little while, but he didn't raise.我等了一会儿,但他没有再增加赌注。n.1.■举起;升高2.■增加;[美国英语](尤指)增加工资(或赌注)3.■(路的)高处;高岗4.■【采矿】坡道5.■(冰上溜石的)溜行近义词liftget a raise得到提薪make a raise[口语]搞到一批(贵重物品);筹集到一笔钱raise a dust[口语]扬起灰尘;引起骚乱:They raised a dust among the masses.他们在群众中引起骚动。 [见dust]raise a finger (to do something)帮助(做某事):She never raises a finger round the house.家里的事她从来不帮忙。[见finger]raise an objection to对…表示反对:He didn't raise any objection to our new plan.他对我们的新计划没有提出任何反对意见。raise a (one's) glass to见 glassraise Cain大闹,闹得一塌糊涂;大为生气:The pupils raised Cain in the classroom.学生们在教室里大吵大闹。[亦作raise hell]raise in flesh(使)发胖:She soon recovered from the operation and was raised in flesh rapidly.她动完手术后不久身体就恢复正常了,而且很快地胖起来。raise money on见 moneyraise one's eyebrows (at something)表示惊讶或轻蔑[多用于被动语态]:Eyebrows were raised when she came in barefooted.她光着脚走进来,人人都大吃一惊。raise one's hand to打…,打(人):He never raised his hand to his daughter though she sometimes didn't obey him.尽管他的女儿有时不听话,但他从来没打过她。[见hand]raise one's hat to向…脱帽致敬;对…表示钦佩:I'll raise my hat to you if you can leap over that ditch.如果你能跳过那条沟,我就佩服你。He raised his hat to the headmaster.他向校长举帽致敬。[见hat]raise one's sights提高要求:He raised his sights and had his study tastefully furnished.他提高了要求,将书房布置得很讲究。raise the devil捣乱,胡闹:Some of the students raised the devil in the school during the summer holidays.暑假中有些学生在学校里捣乱胡闹。[亦作raise the heck][见devil]raise the horn见hornraise the roof大声吵闹;大发雷霆:His father raised the roof when he found his glasses broken.他的父亲发现眼镜被打碎,大发雷霆。[见roof]raise the temperature加剧敌对情绪;加剧紧张气氛:The chairman's speech raised the temperature of the meeting.主席的发言使会议的气氛顿时紧张起来。[见temperature]raise the waters引起争论:His speech raised the waters immediately.他的发言立刻引起了争论。[见water]变形vt.raisedraising




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