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单词 pull up
释义 pull up1.■根绝;拔起(树、桩等);把…向上拉:The tornado pulled up the old tree by its roots.龙卷风把那根古树连根拔起。2.■使停下来;(使)停止;停住(车等);勒住马:The policeman pulled up the motorist and asked to see his licence.警察让那个开车的人停下来,要求看他的执照。3.■开(车)到特定的地点;使(飞机)急剧上升,急拉杆:As they pulled up at their hotel, the rain stopped.他们的车在旅馆停下,雨不下了。4.■制止;斥责,责备:The director pulled Richard up for being late again today.主任责备理查德今天又一次迟到。5.■用力拉绳子:letting down a rope and pulling them up放下绳子,把他们拉上来6.■把…拉到近处;拉过来;移近:She pulled up a chair to the table and joined in the discussion.她拉过一把椅子,坐到桌旁参加讨论。7.■使自己(自豪地)笔直站立:He pulled himself up to his full height.他挺直身子立着。8.■使(自己)依靠自己的力量获得成功;提高,改善:Her Latin is not very good, but it can probably be pulled up between now and next June.她的拉丁语不太好,但从现在到明年六月她可能会有所提高。9.■赶上,追上;使达到所要求的标准:At first the new boy was at the bottom of the class but he soon pulled up.起初这个新来的男孩是班上成绩最差的,但很快就追上来了。10.■克制自己:He was advised by his doctor to pull up and take it easy.医生劝他要克制自己,并且不要着急。11.■[口语]纠正,改进:The tutor hopes that he will pull up his bad habits in his study.老师希望他纠正学习上的不良习惯。




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