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单词 pull out
释义 pull out1.■[美国英语]离开;出发;起程:The anchor was raised and the ship pulled out.船起了锚,离开了海岸。2.■[美国英语]撤退,撤走;退出:They demanded that all the aggressor troops be pulled out from their country.他们要求所有侵略军都应撤出他们的国家。3.■[美国英语]逃避责任;背约4.■(飞机)停止俯冲,从俯冲拉起;(飞机)着陆前重新飞起:The jet was descending steeply, but its pilot was able to pull it out just in time.这架喷气式飞机直线下降,但飞行员及时制止了飞机的俯冲。5.■拉出,拔出;去掉;把…分开;可以被分开:Can you pull the nail out of my shoe?你可以把我鞋上的钉子拔出来吗?6.■取出,出示;拿出(或提出)意见(或建议、看法等):I hope you can pull out a better answer before the end of the meeting.我希望你们在会议结束前拿出一个较好的答案。7.■(抽屉等)可被抽出:The map at the back of the book may be pulled out for easy reference.附在书末的地图可以方便地抽出参阅。8.■(汽车或列车)开出;把(船)划出;(汽车从路边向路中心开去;为了超车而驶离车辆的行列):They got to the station too late; the coach was pulling out.他们晚了一步到达车站,客车正好驶离。9.■拉长(故事等);(话等)拖长:The chairman's talk pulled out until no one was listening.那位主席的讲话扯得太长,没有人听了。10.■摆脱困境;恢复健康;渡过难关:You're overtired and a good holiday will pull you out.你太累了,好好歇个假日可使你恢复正常。11.■断绝往来(或关系)




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