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单词 pull
释义 pull[pul]vt.1.■拉,拖,牵:Sam and John are pulling the rope.山姆和约翰在拔河。2.■拔出;抽出:to pull a tooth拔一颗牙3.■摘;采;拔:She went into the garden to pull a few onions for dinner.她去园子里拔了几个洋葱准备做饭。4.■撕开,扯开,撕碎:to pull a seam撕开线缝5.■[美国英语]拉直,拉长;控制:to pull taffy拉制乳酯糖6.■过分用力而拉伤,弄伤:He's pulled a muscle while trying to lift the piano.他想把钢琴抬起来,因用力过度而拉伤了肌肉。7.■移开;撬开;搬走:They pulled their camp and headed for home.他们拆走帐篷起程回家。8.■吸引,招揽;获得:Several political parties vie with each other in pulling more votes for themselves.几家政党相互争着为自己多拉选票。9.■手印:to pull a proof用手打印校样10.■【棒球、高尔夫球】从右手把(球)向左侧击去:He may pull the ball a mile to right.他可以把球打到右外场一英里远的地方。11.■【赛马】放慢(赛马)速度故意跑输:He pulled his mount.他放慢了坐骑的速度。12.■【划船】划行,划船;划运;(以固定数目的桨)划:He pulled an oar in the winning shell.他在获胜的赛艇上划桨。13.■扮,装出:She pulled a face to hide her embarrassment.她做了一个鬼脸来掩饰她的窘态。14.■扣(扳机等);拉(开关等):To fire the gun, just pull the trigger.开枪只需扣一下扳机就可以了。15.■使(罪行)付诸实施:The policemen concluded that the same bandit probably had pulled all three holdups.警察断定所有三次拦路抢劫可能是同一匪徒所为。16.■(从桶等中)汲取(啤酒等):Pull pints of porter for the men off the ship.为下轮船的人拿出几品脱黑啤酒来。17.■(使机动车)打斜;使(某物)转向;操纵(某物):He pulled the van to the right to avoid the dog.他把客货车向右一闪以免压着狗。18.■号召进行(罢工),号召…罢工:to pull the plant号召全厂罢工19.■对某人耍(花招):He's pulling some sort of trick.他不定在耍什么花招。20.■撤消;废止:to pull his visa撤消他的签证21.■摆(威风),耍:She liked to pull her rank on her inferior.她喜欢对其下属摆威风、耍架子。22.■[美国口语]拔出(刀、枪等):The gangster pulled a knife on me and tried to slash my face.暴徒拔出刀来对准我,企图乱砍我的脸。23.■[方言]掏(家禽的)内脏:to pull a fowl (hide)拔鸟毛(或皮上的毛)24.■[俚语]逮捕;(警察)突袭(赌场等)25.■[口语]引诱(某人)成奸;跟(某人)性交vi.1.■拔,拖,拉:The truck pulls well.这辆卡车拉力大。2.■大口喝;猛抽,猛吸:He pulled at his pipe and stared at the fire.他深深地吸着烟斗,并凝视着炉火。3.■能被拉(或拖,拔等):The door pulled open.门被拉开了。4.■开动,行驶 (away, ahead, around, out 等):The car pulled out of the driveway.汽车驶离了车道。5.■划船,划桨:The rowers pulled hard.划手们拼命划桨。6.■撕;摘;拔:These tree-roots pull easily.这些树根很好拔。7.■拔出枪:Without warning he pulled and fired.事先毫无警告,他拔枪射击。8.■【棒球】早挥棒击球(右手击球员击向三垒,左手击球员击向一垒):He'd be a better hitter if he could learn to pull.假如他能学会早挥棒击球,他就成为一名较好的击球队员。9.■吸引(注意),影响别人:This ad pulled better than any other we have run.这个广告比我们刊登过的任何其他广告更能吸引人。10.■深表同情;鼓劲:to pull for our side向我们这一方鼓劲11.■(马习惯地)挣扎拉紧马嚼子12.■(为了某个目标)同心协力工作13.■【橄榄球】退后侧翼跑动(进攻方的前锋从争球线向后朝一侧跑动以掩护持球队员)14.■[美国俚语、囚犯用语]手淫15.■[口语](赛跑时)超过对方16.■[俚语]服刑;服役:He has still got about six months to pull.他还要服6个月的刑。n.1.■拉;拖;拔2.■拉力;拖力;牵引力3.■划船;一次划桨动作4.■饮酒,一饮5.■一口酒;一满口酒6.■抽烟,一吸,一抽7.■费力的前进,爬高;持续的努力8.■(推动重物或扣动扳机)所需的力9.■【棒球、高尔夫球】将球打向左侧10.■供拉的东西;拉手,把手11.■提携,门路;(进行竞争等的)有利条件12.■吸引力;感染力13.■【印刷】草样,校样14.■【赛马】勒马减速;【拳击】控拳轻击15.■【板球】向右场的一击近义词drawdrag反义词pushshovedead pull用尽力气的一拉,用尽全力的一举(在)紧急关头(与 at 连用)give a pull拖;拉;抽;拔使受益,使得到好处have a pull[口语]划船(从…中)喝一大口酒(与 at 连用)have a (或 the) pull of (或 over) someone[口语]胜过某人,强过某人;有取胜某人的机会have a (或 the) pull with (或 on) someone[口语]同某人有特殊的私人关系(可以得其帮助);对某人有影响力long pull长途旅行(或运输);相当长的时间酒店(在应给分量之外)多给顾客啤酒(或酒)(以吸引顾客)pull a boner[美国俚语]失错,弄错,闹大笑话,出丑pull a fast one (on someone)[美国英语]对…行骗,诈取pull a good oar见 oarpull ahead超到前面去pull a line[美国俚语]话多起来,嘴碎起来pull a poor mouth[美国俚语]装穷拒绝付款(或捐款)pull a shut-eye[美国俚语]喝醉pull at a rope套住绳子拉pull caps (wigs)打架Pull devil, pull baker!见 devil [亦作 Pull dog, pull cat!]pull down one's house about one's ears自取灭亡Pull down your jacket!镇定!pull foot[俚语]逃走Pull in your ears (before pole, horns, neck)![美国俚语]不要你管闲事!住嘴!pull it=pull footpull off a coup大获成功;一鸣惊人;完成得非常出色pull one's coat[俚语]提供信息pull out of the fire使转败为胜pull someone's nose牵人鼻子(侮辱动作) [亦作 pull someone by the nose]pull someone's punches见 punchpull someone's sleeve拉某人袖子使注意 [亦作 pull someone by the sleeve]pull something on someone在…方面欺骗某人pull the iron-man stunt[美国英语]在同一运动会中参加好几项比赛pull together把…拉在一起齐心协力,同心协力,团结一致使(衰败的组织等)重新团结起来;恢复…的统一和团结;使同心协力pull to pieces见 piecepull up lame[美国英语](赛马的马)跑得慢pull up short骤然停止,突然停止pull up stakes[美国口语]迁离,搬家,收摊pull wigs见 pull capspull wires利用私人影响达到个人目的;走后门暗中操纵,幕后拉线




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