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单词 prove
释义 prove[pru:v]vt.1.■证明,证实:In order to prove his point he showed them the latest sales figures.为了证明他的观点,他给他们看了最新的销售数字。2.■检验;试验;考验:to prove a new weapon试验新武器3.■【法律】验证;检定(遗嘱等):The will has to be proved before we can inherit.遗嘱要先公证,然后我们才能继承遗产。4.■表现出;显示(自己)能干(或勇敢、可靠等):These revelations could prove highly embarrassing for the government.这些被揭露出来的事情可能使政府极为尴尬。5.■钻探,勘探:proved oil land探明的含油地区6.■【数学】证,证明:Faraday used no mathematics at all to prove his rule.法拉第完全没有用数学方法来证明他的定律。7.■试印;把…印成校样8.■使(面团)发酵9.■[古语]经历;体验,考验:I proved the extreme depths of poverty.我体验过极贫困的生活。vi.1.■证明是;发现为;显示:The rumour proved to be false.这个谣言传到最终是假的2.■(面团)发酵:to leave the dough to prove for one hour让面团发酵一小时3.■[废语]做试验;检验;考验go to prove足以证明;证实[常用在it之后]prove up to the hilt充分证明变形vt.provedproved 或provenproving




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