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单词 play on (或upon)
释义 play on (或upon)1.■继续打球;继续演奏音乐:Some of the players claims a penalty but the referee told them to play on.有些队员认为应当判罚,但裁判让他们继续比赛。2.■【板球】击球手将球打到自己的三柱门而出局:A difficult ball came through,the batsman played on to his wicket and was out.一个难球传来,击球队员把它打到自己的三柱门而后出局。3.■【足球】使球员处于不犯规的位置:Smith accidently played Sanchez on, so the Spanish goal was allowed.史密斯偶然使桑切斯处于不越位的位置上,所以西班牙踢进的球有效。4.■利用别人的感情(怀疑等):This film about handicapped people is just playing on people's sympathy.这部关于残疾人的影片只是在利用人们的同情心。5.■照射,喷射在…之上:The sunlight played upon the surface of the water.阳光照射在水面上。6.■对…起作用;影响:A heavy diet of television drama played on his feeling.观看太多的电视剧影响了他的感情。




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