释义 |
pick off1.■掐下,摘下,摘掉(水果、花朵等):It took him quite some time to pick off the burs that had stuck to his coat.花了好长时间他才把粘在衣服上的刺摘掉。2.■逐个地(或有选择地)瞄准射杀:The sniper picked off the enemy soldiers as they tried to leave their hut.当敌人士兵企图离开营房时,狙击手将他们一个一个地瞄准射死。3.■[美国英语]【棒球】突然传杀(指投手或投手突然传杀缺乏警惕的跑垒员),封杀出局:The pitch turned around suddenly and threw to the second baseman to pick the runner off second base.投手突然回身投向二垒手,于是在二垒上将对方封杀出局。4.■【足球】拦截,截住(对方传球):Alert defenders picked off three of Black's passes.机警的后卫截住了布莱克的三次传球。 |