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单词 peg out
释义 peg out1.■用木桩钉住帐篷,搭帐篷:We are pegging out in a very clean spot.我们正在一个非常干净的地方搭帐篷。2.■[英国英语]晾晒(衣服):It's a lovely, windy day. Help me to peg out the washing.天气真好,又有风,请把我洗好的衣服晾出去。3.■用木桩在地上标出界限:Have you pegged out your claim yet?你已经把你要求的土地用木桩标出地界了吗?4.■用图钉(或木钉)把(布或纸)铺展开:The map was pegged out on the blackboard.地图铺开钉在黑板上。5.■[口语](过度疲劳而)昏倒;(健康)垮下;死亡:Several of the runners pegged out at the end of the course.有几个赛跑运动员在抵达终点时昏倒了。6.■(机器)歇火,停止(运转):This engine is going to peg out soon if you don't do something.如果你不修修的话,这台发动机不久就要坏了。7.■[俚语]想…,想得要命,很想:I'm pegging out for a drink.我很想喝杯水。8.■抛出,扔出;没有把…包括在内:He pegged out his fishing line to the sea.他向海里放出鱼线。




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