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单词 pass over
释义 pass over1.■横过、越过;通过:A white cloud passed over the sky.一朵白云从天空飘过。2.■略过;忽视;省去;逾越:I can't pass over this problem unnoticed.我不能不注意这个问题。3.■放过;宽恕,宽容;在提升时对(某人)不予考虑:Well,I'll pass it over this time, but don't do it again.好吧,这次我不计较了,可是下次别再干了。4.■回避(某事);避免;忽略或不理会某事:Sex is a subject he prefers to pass over in conversation.在谈话中关于性这一问题他尽量回避。5.■简单地谈一谈;快速处理:The chairman passed quickly over the first few items to leave more time for the main business of the meeting.最初的几项事情主席很快地一带而过,以便留下更多时间去谈会议的重要议项。6.■去世,逝世:I had no idea your husband had passed over.你丈夫去世的消息我一点也不知道。7.■交;传给;让给:Please pass this book over to Mr. Willy.请把这本书交给威利先生。8.■走过去;到那边去:They passed over to the other side.他们走到那一边去了。9.■出(蒸馏器而凝于容器):Vapors pass over from a retort into a receiver.蒸汽从曲颈瓶里出来通入容器。10.■复述;回顾:I will pass briefly over the events of last year.我要简略回顾一下去年发生的大事。11.■[口语](黑人)被认作白人:Numerous persons with only a few Negroid traits annually pass over and are ab-sorbed into the dominant Caucasoid population.许许多多只有少许黑人特征的人每年都被当作白人而被吸收为占优势的高加索种群人口。12.■(用手)按;弹(琴等):She passed over the keys of the piano.她用手弹琴键。13.■度(日);消磨(时光):I don't know how he passes over the hot summer.我不知道他怎么度过这炎热的夏天。




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