释义 |
pass off1.■停止,终止;逐渐消失:The storm should pass off before dark.天黑前暴风雨会停止的。2.■进行到最后;结束;完成:The meeting passed off very well.会议进行得很顺利。3.■转移他处;故意不去注意;漠然视之;认为…无关紧要:He passed off the accusation with a laugh.他对指责一笑了之。4.■把…冒充为;使称…是;作为(真东西)出售:He passed his secretary off as his wife.他将秘书冒充为他的妻子。5.■回避;掩饰;不加理会:Seeing that the story had given offence to some people,he attempted to pass it off with a joke.看到他讲的故事已经冒犯了一些人,他想讲一个笑话来避开它。6.■克服;应付过去:It was not to be passed off so easily as that.事情还不那么容易被掩盖过去。7.■以假货冒充真品骗人接受:He tried to pass off a false Dagas on the auctioneer.他试着把假的德加的画卖给拍卖人。8.■使人不去注意,忽视:I managed to pass off his insult.我终于没去理会他的侮辱。 |