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单词 be on
释义 be on1.■(放置、装置、固定)在顶上:The lid is on tightly.盖子盖紧了。2.■开着;燃着:The light is on.灯亮着。3.■【法律】(法庭审案、案件等)安排,被审理,被提出:There is a case on in Courtroom No 1.有案子在第1号法庭里审理。4.■发生;进行,举行:This newspaper tells us what's on in and out of the country today.这份报纸告诉我们今天国内外发生了什么事情。5.■放映;演出:There's a new film on in the cinema this evening.电影院里今晚放映一部新影片。6.■(戏剧)上演;(演员)登场;(球队队员)出场:She is on next.她下一个登台。7.■同意,同意参加某计划、活动等:Shall we go for a walk? ——OK,I'm on.我们散散步好吗? ——行,我同意。8.■上班;值班:Two soldiers must be on guard all night.两名战士必须通宵警戒。9.■参加,参与;就位,到位[亦作 be upon]:He is on first base.他在第一垒。10.■(经常)服药,用药[亦作 be upon]:Father has been on that medicine for several days.父亲几天来都在服用那种药。11.■由…支付[亦作 be upon]:This meal is on me.这顿饭由我付账。12.■【板球】(开始)投球:Jack was on for three more overs.杰克投了三次球。13.■(赛马)把…押下打赌;对…打赌[亦作 be upon]:Their money is on Tolson to win the final race.他们的钱都押在要赢得最后一轮比赛的托尔森的身上了。14.■留着:The scars are still on me.我身上仍留着疤痕。15.■使焦急,使烦恼:That matter is always on my mind.我对那件事总是放心不下。




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