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单词 pain
释义 pain[pein]n.1.■(肉体上的)痛,疼痛2.■(精神、感情上)苦痛;心痛;悲叹;忧虑;烦闷3.■[复数]分娩阵痛4.■[复数]辛苦;刻苦;努力;费心5.■[古语]惩罚,处罚6.■[俚语]讨厌,厌恶,烦躁不安[常用于短语 pain in the neck]7.■[口语]讨厌(或惹人生气)的家伙;讨厌的任务(或责任)vt.1.■使疼痛;使痛苦;使悲痛;使烦恼,使讨厌:It pains her to have to go there.不得不去那儿使得她很烦恼。I hope that I have said nothing to pain you.我希望我说的话不会使你难过。2.■[古语]使(自己)尽力;使(自己)不辞辛苦vi.1.■作痛;觉得痛;引起疼痛:My wound is paining just for the moment.我的伤口现在还在疼。2.■[古语]受苦a pain in the ass[美国英语]让人讨厌或惹人生气的家伙(或事情) [亦作 a pain in the arse 或 a pain in the backside (粗俗语)]be an ass (或 a fool) for one's pains徒劳无功;枉费心力be at (the) pains (或 take pains)尽力;用心;下苦功夫;费尽苦心;尽力设法feel no pain[俚语]醉倒不觉得痛for (all) one's pains尽管费尽力气(或心思);费力反而…[反语]give someone a pain (in the neck)[美国俚语]使某人烦恼(或讨厌),使人生厌;惹人生气,使人觉得不舒服go to great pains煞费苦心;费大力气No pains, no gains.[谚语]不劳无获。[亦作 Nothing to be got without pains.]on (或 under) pain (of)违者则受(某种)处罚,如果违反则(以某种罪名)论处Pain is gain.[谚语]有苦才有得。Pain past is pleasure.[谚语]苦尽甘来。pains and penalties刑罚put (a person 或 an animal) out of pain结束(人或动物的)痛苦;为怜悯起见杀死(人或动物)save one's pains不滥费气力;节省气力spare no pains全力以赴;不遗余力;不辞劳苦




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