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单词 once
释义 once[wʌns]adv.1.■曾经,一度2.■从前3.■一次,一回4.■[用于否定句、条件句等]一旦5.■(亲属关系上)上一辈,隔一代6.■乘以一7.■[用于否定句]完全;一次地8.■[方言]立即,马上9.■[古语]将来总有一天adj.1.■从前的;一度的n.1.■一次,一回conj.1.■一…(就)…,一旦…(就…):Once you're finished, go home.干完活儿,你就回家吧。all at once同时,一起突然,忽然,出乎意料地at once立刻,马上at once … and既…又…every once in a way有时,偶尔every once in a while偶尔,间或for once in a way偶尔,间或,破例地for this (或 that) once (或 for once)就这(或那)一次;破例一次just for once= for this (或 that) oncemore than once不止一次,多次not once一次也不,从不once again再一次once and again有时,偶尔一再,再三,屡次once and away= for once in a way= once (and) for allonce (and) for all一劳永逸地,一次了结;永远地,彻底地once bit (或 bitten), twice shy.见 biteonce in a blue moon极为罕见once in a way= for once in a wayonce in (或 and) a while= every once in a whileonce more再一次once or twice一两次,几次once that一旦…(就…)once too often又一次(指超过限度而发生问题);多次幸免此次遭殃;多次成功此次受挫once upon a time见 timeto once[方言]立刻,马上




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