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- Cro-Magnon
- Cromer, lst Earl of
- cromlech
- cromolyn sodium
- cromorne
- Crompton,Samuel
- Cromwell Current
- Cromwellian
- Cromwell, Oliver
- Cromwell, Richard
- Cromwell, Thomas, Earl of Essex
- Cronartium
- crone
- croneyism
- Cronin, A(rchibald) J(oseph)
- croning process
- Cronin, James Watson
- cronjé, Piet Arnoldus
- cronk
- Cronstedt, Baron Axel
- cronstedtite
- Cronus
- crony
- crony capitalism
- cronyism
- 几年秋赋唯知病,昨日春闱偶有名
- 酒量吞海,诗肩夜耸山。
- 中朝盛人物,谁与开颜笑
- 更有行志不谎诈
- 酒醒拨剔残灰火,多少凄凉在此中
- 忘俗念,万类悉皆空
- 寻春游上路,追宴入山家
- 旧愁流不尽,门外去来潮
- 一阳未嘘枯,霜木醉梦里
- 创得斋之东,栴檀林在兹
- 题关都官西湖孤山四照阁图
- 鹧鸪天
- 偈倾一百六十九首
- 郊园辟暑
- 晓过丹阳县五首
- 幽苦
- 鱼嘴
- 恢燿
- 当諕
- 剧盗