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单词 nest
释义 nest[nest]n.1.■鸟窝,鸟巢2.■(鱼、兔、昆虫等的)穴,巢,窝3.■(同栖一巢的鸟、动物等的)一群,一窝4.■栖息处,安逸的处所,安乐窝5.■一套物品;一套,一组6.■(贼)窟,(罪恶的)温床,渊薮7.■(罪恶场所等的)常客;团伙,一伙8.■【军事】9.■掩体10.■进入掩体的一组武器11.■[口语]导弹基地12.■【矿物学】矿巢vt.1.■为…筑巢;把…放入巢中:He nested himself near his field.他在地边搭了个窝篷。to nest a pen in the box把钢笔放进笔盒内2.■使套入,使套叠:to nest a set of bowls把套碗叠摞在一起vi.1.■筑巢,做窝;巢居:The swallows nested under the eaves.燕子在屋檐下筑巢。2.■整天呆在家里:Do you want to nest today?你今天就打算整天呆在家中吗?3.■窝藏,藏匿:to nest in one's heart深藏在心底里4.■配套,成套;套叠:plates that nest easily to move摞在一起的盘子好端5.■找鸟窝,摸鸟蛋:to go nesting摸鸟蛋6.■[美国口语]蹲:to nest by the river蹲在河边(be) foul one's nest说自己人的坏话,家丑外扬;自我拆台feather one's nest中饱私囊,营私肥己经营安乐窝find a mare's nest自以为有了重大发现结果证明是空喜欢一场It's an ill bird that fouls its own nest.见 birdput one's head into a hornets' nest招惹是非,找麻烦take a nest摸鸟蛋,掏鸟窝




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