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单词 arrange
释义 arrange[ə'reindʒ]vt.1.■排列;整理,使有条理;布置(展品等);I arranged the books on the shelves.我把书架上的书籍整理好。2.■把…(系统地)分类;把…分等级;把…归入一类(或同一等级):to be arranged in kinds分门别类They may be arranged in three classes as follows:…它们可以列为以下三类:…3.■准备,准备好,筹备,(事先)筹划,安排:to arrange a programme of entertainment安排文娱节目to arrange the details of a meeting准备会议的各项细节4.■达成…的协议;解决,调解,调停(纠纷、分歧等):The two sides arranged the sale of the property.双方达成关于房地产交易的协议。to arrange a quarrel between调解…之间的争执5.■【音乐】改编(乐曲,以适合原作以外的乐器的演奏或声乐的演唱);给…谱管弦乐曲:The music for the violin is also arranged for the piano.适于小提琴演奏的乐曲也被改编以适宜于钢琴弹奏。6.■改编(剧本等):The novel is being arranged for the stage.正在改编小说使适宜于上演。vi.1.■(就某事与某人)达成协议,(与某人)商定(某事)(with a person about 或 for a thing):to arrange with the coal company for regular deliveries与煤炭公司商定按期送货2.■做安排,做准备,预备,(事先)筹划:to arrange to be here later安排以后到这儿来They arranged for a concert on the weekend.他们为周末的音乐会做准备。3.■【音乐】(尤指专业)改编乐曲变形vt.arrangedarranging




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