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单词 lay out
释义 lay out1.■(按计划)安排;布置;设计(版面或建筑物等):The flower garden was tastefully laid out.这座花园布局雅致。We spent the whole morning laying out pictures for the magazine.我们花了一上午为这个杂志设计图片的版面。2.■花(钱);投(资);捐(款):He laid out all his savings in buying a car.他把所有积蓄都用来买车了。3.■[lay oneself out]用力;使(自己)尽力:She laid herself out to provide us with every facility.她想方设法为我们提供一切方便。4.■摆出;展开;陈列展览;延伸:She has laid out her husband's two-piece suit.她已经把丈夫的两件头西服摆出来了。The quality products were neatly laid out in the exhibition hall.优质产品整齐地陈列在展览厅里。5.■为(尸体)做殡葬准备;陈殓:The villagers went to lay out the bodies in the battlefield.村民们前去陈殓战场上的死尸。6.■[俚语]打昏,打倒在地;打死:The old man laid the robber out with a stick.老人用一根棍子将强盗打昏在地。7.■[俚语]杀死:He was laid out before he had time to defend himself.他还没来得及自卫就被杀死了。8.■[俚语]谴责,斥责;非难:The teacher laid the student out for cheat at the examination.老师斥责学生在考试中作弊。9.■使…非常疲倦:The three day's march laid the soldiers out.三天的行军让士兵们疲惫不堪。10.■为(工件)定线;为…划样11.■提议;计划;打算:The chairman laid out to adjourn the meeting for a week.主席提议休会一星期。12.■采取措施13.■无故缺席




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