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单词 lay by
释义 lay by1.■积蓄,储蓄;把…留作以后用:Every month he lays by 100 dollars out of his salary for his old age.他每个月从薪水中拿出100美元存起来以备晚年之用。2.■把…放在一边;把…搁置起来;收起;放下(工作等):He laid his work by during the holidays.在休假期间,他把工作放到了一边。3.■把…放在…旁边:He laid the spade by the door.他把铲子放在门边。4.■丢弃;放弃;出去;戒除(习惯等):Lay by the bad habits and turn over a new leaf.勤劳除恶习,重新开始。5.■[美国英语]收割(庄稼),收获(庄稼);(收割后)贮藏(谷物等):to lay by the spring wheat收割春小麦6.■[美国英语]给(玉米或田地等)作最后一道中耕:The villagers are laying by the corn in the upland fileld.村民正给高地里的玉米中耕。7.■为顾客存留(商品):The shop laid the cloth by for a customer.商店为一个顾客保留着这些布料。8.■【航海学】顶风停船;使(船)顶风停驶:The ship was forced to lay by in the storm wind.船在暴风中被迫顶风停驶。




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