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单词 knock out
释义 knock out1.■敲出来,敲空(烟斗);打掉:I knocked the nail out.我把钉子敲了出来。to knock out a pipe敲空烟斗2.■击昏,使不省人事;【拳击】击倒(对手)(使其在规定时间内无法站立):The ball hit him on the head and knocked him out.球击中了他的头部,把他打昏了。3.■(竞赛中)淘汰:The boxer was knocked out in the second round.该拳击手在第二个回合中被淘汰了。4.■使精疲力尽;累垮:Don't knock yourself out with hardwork.不要太辛苦而把自己累垮。5.■击败;摧毁;使失去功效,破坏掉:to knock out the enemy guards摧毁敌人警戒The government decided to knock out gambling.当局决定取缔赌博活动。6.■(药物)使失去知觉;使昏睡:The sleeping pills soon knocked the patient out.安眠药片很快使病人昏睡过去了。7.■[口语]匆促完成;胡乱演奏:He knocked out the short story in one month.他只用了一个月时间匆匆写完了那部短篇小说。He's not a very accomplished pianist, but he can knock out a tune.他不是一个造诣很深的钢琴家,但他可以胡乱演奏一曲。8.■[口语]给…深刻印象;使震惊:Her beauty knocked him out.她的美貌使他为之倾倒。The unexpected news knocked me out.这个出乎意外的消息让我大为吃惊。9.■引起共鸣:The book really knocks me out.这本书确实引起了我的共鸣。10.■【棒球】打掉(投手)(进攻队一再打出好球迫使对方更换投手)11.■转卖低价买进的拍卖品(取得利润)




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