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单词 keep on
释义 keep on1.■(使)继续(做),(使)坚持下去:He kept on until the work was finished.他一直坚持把工作干完。Jane kept on talking.简说个不停。2.■(沿着某方向)继续前进:Keep on until you reach the crossing.一直走到十字路口。He kept on towards his objective.他朝着他的目标前进。3.■继续穿着(或戴着):He kept his coat on even when he entered the house.他甚至在进屋以后还穿着大衣。4.■使(灯)继续亮着;使(机器)继续开动着:Keep the lights on when you leave the room.你们离开房间的时候,别关灯。The radio was kept on all night.收音机整夜开着。5.■继续雇用(或保留);继续租用:They kept on the housekeeper after they moved to the new house.他们搬到新家后,仍继续雇用那个管家。I want to know if he likes to keep on this house for another month.我想知道他是否想再租一个月这房子。6.■说个没完,喋喋不休:She keeps on and on and I'm really fed up with her.她说起来没完没了,我对她真是厌烦透了。




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