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单词 hold up
释义 hold up1.■举起,抬起;使升高:She held up her arm and wiped her tears off.她抬起手擦去了眼角的泪。She held up her hat to me, and I winked at her.她向我抬了抬她的帽子,我则向她眨了眨眼。2.■展示;提出(作为榜样)(后与as连用):He's always holding up my father to scorn, which made me hate him.他总是举出我父亲加以嘲笑,这使我十分厌恶他。The teacher held up my composition as example to the class.老师举出我的作文给全班作范文。3.■支撑,承受住;承担:This old tree is held up by a post.这棵老树用一根柱子支撑着。You will hold up the responsibility for all the serious consequences arising therefrom.你要承担由此而产生的一切严重后果。4.■使停顿,阻挡:The finals of the football was held up by a heavy storm.由于一场凶猛的暴风雨,那场足球决赛被迫停赛了。The train he took was held up for over 2 hours.他乘坐的火车晚点了两个多小时。5.■拦劫,抢劫:The bank was held up last night.昨天夜里有人抢劫了这家银行。6.■使遭受,使蒙受;成为…的目标:He's held up humiliation by a momentary slip.他因一念之差而蒙受屈辱。He has now been held up to be pursued killing.他现在已成了追杀的目标。7.■证明属实:The facts will hold up what I said.事实将证明我说的话属实。8.■延续;持续;维持:The rain held up and there's no sign to clear up.雨依然在下,而且没有放晴的迹象。How long will you hold up on such a sum of money?靠这点儿钱你能维持多久?9.■保持平静,抑制;振作(精神):She did her best to hold up before her children.她在孩子面前尽最大努力保持平静。10.■(马匹)坚持站立着,不跌倒11.■延期,推迟(后与 on 连用):He held up on the plan of visiting Europe.他推迟了访问欧洲的计划。12.■不同意,拒绝;保留:She held up my offer and insisted on going herself.她拒绝了我的提议,坚持自己去。13.■[美国英语]向…索取高价:You're holding me up, aren't you?你在向我要高价,对不对?




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