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单词 hair
释义 hair[hεə]n.1.■毛,毛发,发,头发2.■[a hair] 一根毛发3.■(动物的)毛,粗毛4.■(植物叶、茎、根表面的)毛,茸毛5.■【机械学】毛状金属丝;毛状物6.■一点儿,些微7.■[俚语]【计算机】复杂性8.■[废语]性质,特性adj.1.■毛发的;护理毛发的2.■用毛发制成的vt.1.■除去…的毛发:To hair the hides is one of the tanning processes.在制革过程中,除去兽皮上的毛是工序之一。vi.1.■生长(或产生)毛发2.■形成毛状纤维against the hair违背本意,不合本性a (或the) hair of the dog (that bit one)以毒攻毒[口语]饮解宿醉的酒both of a hair同类,一丘之貉by a hair差一点儿,险些儿,几乎comb someone's hair for him严责某人,斥责某人comb (或stroke) someone's hair the wrong way拂某人之意,令某人不快,使某人恼怒curl someone's hair[俚语]使某人毛骨悚然get in(或into) someone's hair[口语]惹恼某人get out of someone's hair[口语]不烦扰某人,不妨碍某人,不再惹恼某人get (或have) someone by the short hairs[口语]控制住某人,使某人就范get gray hair见graygive someone gray hair[口语]使某人焦虑(或担忧)hang by a hair千钧一发,岌岌可危,摇摇欲坠harm a hair of someone's head[口语]损某人一根毫毛in the hair(兽皮)有毛的(生毛皮)毛向外的keep one's hair on[俚语]不发脾气,不发火;不激动,保持镇静let one's (back) hair down[口语](女子)散开头发不拘礼节,举止随便lose one's hair脱发,头变秃[俚语]发怒,发脾气make someone's hair stand (up) on end(或make someone's hair curl)= curl someone's hairnot have a hair on one's ass[美军俚语](尤指被激后)没勇气not turn a hair不动声色;面不改色,毫不惊惶(马等)未出汗,毫不累乏out of someone's hair[口语]不再烦扰某人put hairs on someone's chest[口语](饮酒等)让某人有了胆子(或强壮的体魄)smooth someone's hair the wrong way使某人恼怒split hairs作不必要的细微分析,无故挑剔take hair off the dog[俚语]积累经验take one's (back) hair down= let one's (back) hair downtear one's hair (out)(因悲愤、恼怒等)扯自己的头发to a hair(或to the turn of a hair)丝毫不差地,精确地;完全地without turning a hair= not turn a hair




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