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- have(或meet with) a misfortune
- have(或pull, manage, play, ply, take, tug) the labouring oar
- have (或 put) all one's goods in the window
- have (或put)(one's)faith in
- have (或 put,set) one's foot on the neck of someone
- have (或 put, set) one's foot on the neck of someone
- have (或 put) someone's nose out of joint
- have (或 put, stretch) one's feet under someone's mahogany
- have (或 put, stretch) one's knees under someone's mahogany
- have (或 put,stretch) one's knees (或 feet,legs) under someone's mahogany
- have (或 put, stretch) one's legs under someone's mahogany
- have (或 put) the Indian sign on
- have(或put) trust in
- have (或 receive) notice
- have (或 receive) notice to quit
- have (或 run) a temperature
- have(或show)regard for
- have (或 stand) an earthly
- have(或take)a crack
- have(或take)a dip
- have (或 take) a glass too much
- have(或take) a hand in(或at)
- have (或take) a liquor (或liquor up)
- have (或 take) a look (at)
- have (或take) a nap
- 须臾天宇霁,刮扫无纤埃
- 瘦得黄花能小
- 鬓发近来生处白,家园几向梦中迷
- 世事但堪眼见,此生何殊梦游
- 故国三千里,春风第一声
- 岂惟大盗窟,神龙所盘旋
- 姹女临波日,神光照夜年
- 骐骥之衰也
- 神宇千灵护,龙支万派分
- 公欲醉为乡,瓮间寻吏部
- 送黄恒脩还乡祭扫五首·其五
- 上元后一日小宴廷臣
- 有鸟二十章·其十四
- 杂咏一百首王戎
- 楚州庞庙迎享送神辞
- 感戢
- 柏侯
- 嘲嘈
- 输币
- 樊姬