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单词 for
释义 for[强 fɔ:; 弱fə]prep.1.■为了,为…目的:to run for exercise为锻炼而跑步to go for a walk去散步2.■属于…的;…用的:equipment for the education教育设备3.■适合于…需要(或目的):a room for sleeping卧室medicine for the children适合于儿童使用的药物4.■为了成为;为了得到(或获得);为拯救(或保持):to fight for one's life为生存而斗争to send for a doctor去请医生5.■代替,取代;作为…的符号:to use blankets for coats用毯子代替外衣a substitute for butter黄油代用品6.■代表,代理;为了…的利益:to act for another代替别人A lawyer acts for his client.律师代表他的当事人行动。7.■对…特别敏感,对…反应(或理解)快:She has an eye for beauty.她对美有鉴赏力。8.■赞成…,支持…,拥护;有利于:to vote for a levy投票赞成征税Are you against it or for it?你对此事是反对呢还是赞成?9.■为了向…表示敬意:to give a banquet for someone设宴招待某人10.■(开)往…,以…为目的地:to start for Beijing出发到北京去to leave for home动身回家11.■寻找,寻求;希望,渴望;贪求,期待:to look for a lost article寻找失物to hunger for knowledge渴求知识12.■专门(供)给,有特殊用途:flowers for a girl给少女的花money for paying bills付账的钱13.■当作,作为:to know a thing for a fact知道某事属实14.■关于,至于;考虑到(…的性质),就…而言(或而论):too warm for April就四月而言,天太热a need for improvement改进的必要15.■由于,因为,作为(…的)结果:to cry for pain痛得哭了16.■虽然,尽管(常与 all 连用):stupid for all her learning学得那么多,还是很笨17.■与…成比例;与…相称,与…对应;与…一致:For one enemy he has a hundred friends.他有一敌而有百友。two dollars spent for every dollar每挣一美元就得花去二美元18.■相当于,等于[前接或后跟同一名词时,for 在两个比较或相反的事物中表示相等]:a bill for $100 100美元的账单19.■以…价格(或支付);换,交换;作为…的补偿:I paid $50 for it.我花了50美元买它。20.■(数量、距离)达,计:to walk for a mile步行一英里21.■处罚:payment for the crime犯罪的代价22.■在…期间,在(指定时间):an appointment for two o'clock两点钟的约会23.■为了变成:to go for a soldier去当兵24.■[用来引导相当于定语从句的不定式短语]:It's for you to decide.该由你来决定。It's time for me to go.我该去了。25.■[废语]在…之前conj.1.■因为,由于…的缘故;既然;鉴于…:He felt no fear, for he was a brave man.他不感到害怕,因为他是个勇敢的人。Comfort him for he is sad.去安慰他,因为他很悲伤。[比 because 较为正式,少用于口语中,用于提出证据或说明前面刚作的陈述]as for见 asbe for it (或 the high jump)[俚语]一定要受谴责(或处罚)(常与 shall, will 连用)be for the high jump= be for itbe in for it见 infor all尽管,虽然for all that见 thatfor ever and a day见 everfor every (and ever)见 everfor (a person or thing) to(人或物)应,将,必须…等,应由某人做…,使(某人等)做(某事)[for 与名词或代词连用,后面接动词不定式,构成名词短语]for one见 oneNow for it!见 now [亦作 Now or never!]O (或 Oh) for…!要是能有…该多好啊!What for?见 what




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