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- Cut your capers!
- cut(或crack) a deal
- cut (或 do) the inside (outside) edge
- cut (或 drop) an acquaintance with someone
- cut (或 hurt, sting, touch, wound) someone to the quick
- cut (或 make) a conspicuous (或 good, great) figure
- cut (或 make) a figure
- cut (或 make) a poor (或 sorry, ridiculous 等) figure
- cut(或 make, manufacture) out of (the) whole cloth
- cut (或 make) one's lucky
- cut (或make) shorter by the head
- cut (或 run) (it) fine
- cut(或 slip) one's cable
- cut(或tear)to ribbons
- cuvette
- Cuvier, Georges Léopold Chrétien, Frédéric Dagobert, Baron
- Cuvier's sinus
- Cuyahoga Falls
- Cuyp, Aelbert
- cuz
- Cuzco
- Cv
- cv.
- CV
- 乐哉得新匀,风期从此契
- 旧闻黄公垆,颇枉壮士顾
- 亭吏趋寒雾,山城敛曙光
- 一杯欢笑后,急急理尘编
- 不同栏下草,一岁一回绿
- 是谁还向月中行
- 名园萧旷甲三城,文宴高贤雅调庚
- 平陵秦望秀,近挹浙江澜
- 骊龙挟风雨,闪电注两目
- 从今元佑无多子,虎豹狐狸各斐然
- 清平乐
- 和陈舜弼中秋有感三首
- 春怀十首
- 从欧阳全真借观陈择之蜀中诗题其后
- 十四夜观月张氏楼
- 恫恐
- 恫鳏
- 问卜
- 愁布袋
- 烟心