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单词 fling about
释义 fling about1.■四处乱丢:I wish the children would stop flinging their clothes about,but put them away tidily.但愿孩子们不再乱扔衣服,而是把它们整齐地存放起来。2.■舞动(手脚):Don't fling your arms and legs about like that,make the proper swimming strokes.你的手脚不要这样乱舞乱动,要正确地游泳划动。3.■to fling one's money about(或around)[口语]挥金如土(多指炫示其富有):He is always flinging his money about,with his colour television and his new car every year.他总是挥金如土,炫耀其彩电,而且每年都要购买新车。4.■to fling one's weight about(或around) [口语]滥用职权,作威作福;以势压人:The youth club leader was unpopular with the young people because he was always flinging his weight around.青年俱乐部的领导不受青年人的欢迎,因为他总是以势压人。




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