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单词 fashion
释义 fashion['fæʃən]n.1.■样式,样子,方法,方式2.■类型,形状,姿态3.■(服饰等的)时兴式样,流行式样,时样,时髦;风气,风尚4.■种类5.■风行一时的事物,尤指时装;名流,红人6.■时髦人物;(西方世界的)上流社会7.■[废语]手艺,工艺,做工8.■[废语]制作,制作过程vt.1.■做成…的形状,形成;把…塑成:to fashion a doll from a piece of wood用木块制成玩具娃娃She fashioned a necklace from paper clips.她把别针制成了一条项链。2.■(使)使用;(使)适应(常与to 连用):Music is fashioned to our taste.使音乐适合我们的口味。3.■改变,改革:to fashion the social institutions of the old改变旧的社会习俗4.■[废语]想出;设计出,设法做到after a fashion勉强,马马虎虎,达到一定程度(但不令人满意)after the fashion of依照…,模仿某人的风格be all the fashion(服装、举止)很时兴,风行一时be in fashion正在时兴,正在流行be in the fashion赶时髦,随大流be out of fashion过时come into fashion= be in fashionfollow the fashion= be in the fashiongo out of fashion= be out of fashionin a fashion= after a fashionmake fashion装装样子set the (或 a) fashion出新花样以创先例,开创新时尚




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