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单词 fall in
释义 fall in1.■(屋顶、墙壁等)凹进去,塌陷,往里面塌陷;(眼睛、脸颊)凹陷,消瘦:The roof of the burning house fell in.着火屋子的房顶塌陷了下去。Her cheeks had fallen in,making her look old.她的脸颊凹陷下去了,使她看上去很苍老。2.■【军事】(使)入列,(使)集合,排好队列:Fall in!集合!The troops fell in and were inspected.部队集合好,接受检阅。3.■掉进去,跌入:The water's deep here,mind you don't fall in.这里水很深,你请注意不要掉下去。4.■(租约等)期满(或失效),(债务等)到期:When will the lease fall in?租约将于何时到期?5.■(土地、产业等)可以支配使用:At his lordship's death in the Spanish campaign in the year 1811,his estate fell in to the family of the Tiptoffs.这位爵爷在1811年西班牙战役中死亡后,他的产业归蒂普托夫家族支配。6.■同意,赞成:Once the chairman had stated his decision,the rest of the committee fell in.主席一说出他的决定,其他委员就表示了同意。I fell in with his view.我赞同他的观点。7.■在(某人心目中)降低:The chairman fell in my opinion after he refused to take a vote.主席拒绝进行投票表决后,他的地位在我的心目中就降低了。8.■和解,言归于好:They fall in and out ten times a day.他们一会儿和好,一会儿闹翻,一天有上十次。




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