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单词 eye
释义 eye[ai]n.1.■眼睛,眼2.■3.■眼球,眼珠4.■【解剖学】虹膜5.■眼圈(包括眼睑),眼眶6.■[常用复数]视力,目力;视觉范围7.■眼神,目光;看;一瞥;凝视,注视8.■注意,注目;关注;监督;观察9.■判断力,鉴赏力,鉴别力,辨别力,观察力;眼力,眼光10.■[常用复数]判断;意见;见解,观点;评价11.■眼,孔;眼状物;尤指12.■【植物学】(马铃薯等的)芽眼13.■孔雀翎斑14.■(菊科的)花盘;花心15.■工具上的孔(作握柄用),斧柄上的眼16.■针眼17.■(金属制的)圈,环,环孔18.■【微生物学】眼点,对光有反应的器官19.■【物理学】 = photoelectric cell 或 photocell20.■眼镜镜片21.■水果茎眼22.■23.■【气象学】(台)风眼24.■[比喻]光明及智力、影响等的中心25.■【航海学】风吹来的方向26.■[复数]【造船】27.■船首28.■锚索眼29.■[美国俚语、口语]侦探[尤用于 private eye]30.■[美国俚语]电视机;电视屏幕31.■[美国俚语](铁路上的)信号灯32.■视点;视角vt.1.■看:to eye the wonders of nature看(或凝视)自然景观2.■盯着看:色迷迷地看;向…送秋波,对…做媚眼:to eye a pretty woman盯着看一位美女All the men eyed the beautiful girl with interest.所有男人都饶有兴趣地盯着看这位美丽的姑娘。3.■注视;审视;端详;观察;密切注意;仔细打量;盯住:He eyed the three strangers with suspicion.他以怀疑的目光注视着那三个陌生人。to eye someone closely (或 narrowly)端详某人4.■考虑;期待:He is ey(e)ing a run for the governor next year.他在考虑明年要竞选州长。5.■在…上打(或开)孔眼:to eye a needle打针眼vi.1.■[废语]看上去像,似乎,呈现a beam in someone's eye(与自己的大缺点相比下)某人的小缺点a cast in one's (或 the) eye斜视a gleam (或 glint, twinkle) in one's eye尚未形成的想法,朦胧的想法all eyes目不转睛(或全神贯注)地看着,非常留神all (in) the eye= all my eyeall my eye (and Betty Martin)[主英国俚语]胡说八道,瞎说;胡闹an eye for对…很有兴趣,对…有很深的爱好;对…有敏锐的鉴赏力;能欣赏;能判断an eye for an eye以眼还眼,以牙还牙,针锋相对,采用同样手段回击,一报还一报[亦作 eye for eye]an eye for the beautiful审美的目光an eye in the sky[美国俚语]侦察卫星apply the blind eye装作不见a sight for sore eyes[口语]乐于看到的人(或物);极受欢迎的人(或物)a single eye目标专一at eye不费劲地随便一看,望一眼bat an eye眨一下眼睛(表示恐惧、惊讶、兴趣或难为情)be all eyes[口语]目不转睛;急切地看;极注意地看,十分专注,全神贯注be a sheet in the wind's eye[口语](微)醉before (或 under) someone's (very) eyes就在某人眼前,当着某人的面不欲隐瞒地;公开地believe one's (own) eyes相信自己的眼睛,相信自己所看到的以所见为实(或真);确信[此短语常用于否定句,疑问句或条件句]Better to have one eye than be blind altogether.[谚语]独眼总比全瞎好。be unable to keep (或 take) one's eyes off羡慕地注视;目不转睛地看,看入了迷black someone's eye将某人眼眶打青blear someone's eyes蒙蔽(或欺瞒)某人bright in the eye[口语]稍有醉意,微醉by (one's) eye= by (the) eyeby reason of the fair eyes of (someone)为了(某人)的缘故,为了(某人)的利益;为了,由于[参见 for the fair eyes of (someone)]by (the) eye凭目测,凭眼力(测量),用眼睛(估计)[亦作 by one's eye]camera eye像照相机似的眼睛;过目不忘的人,善于观察(或记忆)事物的人cast an evil eye (on)怀恶意地朝…看一眼用毒眼看cast (或 throw) a mist before someone's eyes使某人看不清,使某人眼花缭乱;蒙蔽某人cast an eye (或 one's eyes) over (或 at, on等)向…匆匆一看,匆匆查看一下,粗略地看一下,瞟一眼;看待[亦作 cast a glance at]cast (或 make) sheep's eyes at someone向某人含情脉脉地看着,向某人多情而又害羞地看着,向某人送秋波,对某人做媚眼;(笨拙地)向某人讨好catch someone's (或 the) eye被某人看到,引起某人注目;吸引某人注意;碰到某人的目光,与某人目光相遇[参见 catch the Speaker's eye]catch the President's (或 Speaker's) eye赢得在下院发言机会(英国下议院中,如议长在注视某议员,该议员即有发言权)clap (或 lay, set) eyes on[口语]瞧见,看,看见,看到close one's eyes睡眠长眠,逝世close one's eyes to闭眼不(愿)看;假装没看见;假装不知,拒不承认,拒绝考虑;不理会[亦作 turn a blind eye to]cock one's eye (at)向上一瞟,使眼色,递眼色,会意地看collect eyes有意识地引起人们注意cry (或 weep) one's eyes out号啕痛哭,哭得非常伤心,哭得死去活来,大哭,痛哭cut an eye[古语]看一眼,瞥一眼做媚眼cut eyes[美国俚语](与某人)互看随即目光移开,看一眼,瞥一眼cut one's eye[美国俚语]偷偷瞟一眼,斜着眼看,看一眼,瞥一眼damn one's eyes[粗俗语]该死,他妈的,混账do someone in the eye欺骗(或愚弄)某人,叫某人上当dry eyes不流泪的眼睛(指不哭的人)dry one's eyes擦掉眼泪,不再哭不再悲伤dust the eyes of someone蒙骗(或欺骗)某人easy as my eye[俚语]很容易,易如反掌easy on the eyes[口语]好看,悦目,美丽,吸引人eye (或 view) askance(因厌恶、蔑视、怀疑、妒忌等)侧目而视,斜眼而视eye of a hawk目光锐利eye of a needle缝衣针眼篱笆矮门eye of a sailor目光尖锐eye of her【航海学】船首船首最前部港湾最前面eye of the storm飓风的风眼台风中心部的平静区域eye of the wind风向eye of the world透光白石eyes and ears耳目eyes and no eyes有眼无珠观察力敏锐与迟钝的不留心观察的,不善于观察的,视而不见的观察自然界观察(用作某些有关自然知识的书刊名)eyes are bigger than one's stomach眼大肚皮小;眼馋肚饱Eyes front (或 left, right)!【军事】(口令)向前(或左、右)看!eyes like a ferret恶狠狠的眼光eyes like a hawk[口语]眼睛尖,锐利的眼光,敏锐的眼光[一般含贬义]eyes like gimlets锐利的眼光,好奇的眼光[亦作 gimlet eye]eyes like pissholes in the snow[美国俚语、粗俗语](因醉而)朦胧(或惺忪)的醉眼eyes of prey虎视眈眈的眼睛eyes only仅供收件人亲自过目的eyes out[澳大利亚、新西兰口语]全力以赴,竭尽全力fall under someone's eye为某人所注意,被某人看到feast one's eyes on用欣赏(或赞美)的眼光看,看着…以饱眼福,尽情地欣赏fishy eye失神(或暗淡无光)的眼睛fix (或 fasten, rivet) one's eyes on注视,凝视,盯着flash one's eyes (或 a glance, a look) at向…瞟一眼for (或 by reason of) the fair eyes of (someone)为了(某人)的缘故,为了(某人)的利益,为了,由于Four eyes see more than two.[谚语]四只眼睛比两只看得多。(或:两人总比一人看得全面。)get a black eye被人打青了眼眶get eyes for= have eyes forget (或 have) one's eye in (或 well in)[英国英语](于射击、球类运动、弹子戏等中)具有目测球等的方向、距离与速度的能力,眼光准确get one's eye out for留神寻找get one's eyes on看中;一心想得到get the eye[口语]受注目,被人以羡慕的目光注视;被(感兴趣地)看着遭白眼;被(冷若冰霜地)看(或盯)着,被人冷冷地瞪一眼give a black eye to使丢脸;使丧失信誉give an eye to留心,对…给予注意;照料,关注;顺便照看一下,对…稍微注意一下give one's eyes for (或 to)[口语]为了…愿付出极大的代价;为…不惜任何牺牲,做出重大牺牲,放弃任何东西give someone a black eye把某人眼睛打青[亦作 black someone's eye]give (someone) the eye[美国俚语]向某人做媚眼,向某人送秋波;目不转睛地打量某人冷眼看人;冷冷地瞪某人一眼向某人使眼色give the big eye (to)(向…)做媚眼;色迷迷地看give the eye to看色迷迷地看give the glad eye笑脸相迎;暗送秋波;青睐have (all) one's eyes about one眼睛很尖;特别警觉have an eye for对…有鉴赏眼光;很能鉴赏(或判断,辨别),善于识别;会欣赏;具有识别…价值的能力;很能看出;对…感兴趣have an eye in one's head有锐利的眼光,有眼力have an (或 one's) eye on (或 upon)看,盯住;注视,监视;密切注意;守候,等待;细心观察;提防[口语]看中,一心想得到,想要得到(某人或某物)have an eye on the main chance= have an eye to the main chancehave an eye (或 a sharp eye) out警觉;提防(= keep an eye out)have an eye to着眼于,重视,注视;注意,留意;照看打算,很想得到,对…有所企图,目的是have an eye to (或 on the main chance)留心着谋私利的最好机会;唯利是图,只顾自己的利益,谋私利have eyes at (或 in) the back of one's head具有高度警觉性,很警觉,非常机警have eyes bigger than the belly (或 stomach)眼馋肚饱(指贪多而食量不大)have eyes for[口语]对…有所企图,觊觎,一心想要;看中;对…感兴趣,喜欢;被…吸引,注意have eyes only for只看;只要只爱[亦作 only have eyes for]have eyes to see有眼力,有敏锐的观察力,观察力敏锐have in one's eye在脑海(或心目)中有…的形象have one eye on(在留意某事的同时)又留意(另一件事),附带注意,(边做)边注意have one's eye in (或 well in)= get one's eye in (或 well in)have one's eye on看;注视;密切注意;留心观察等待,守候提防看中,想要得到have (或 keep) one's eye(s) on the ball用眼睛盯住球保持警觉;注意抓住成功的机会;小心地行动;机灵,精明have one's eyes glued to盯着看,目不转睛地看have one's weather eye open= keep one's eyes openhit (或 make, score) a bull's eye命中靶心达到预定目标,取得成功hit someone between the eyes给某人留下深刻印象;使某人大为震惊hit someone in the eye引某人瞩目if you had half an eye如果你有一点点察觉力,如果你不是瞎子,如果你稍微注意in a (或 the) pig's eye[美国俚语]永不,决不;当然不in eye在视线之内,在望in front of someone's (very) eyes= before someone's (very) eyesin one's (或 the) mind's eye在记忆中;在(某人)头脑想象中;在心灵的眼睛里in the eye of the wind【航海学】逆风,顶着风[亦作 in the wind's eye]in the eyes of在…心目中;在(或从)…看来in the mind's eye= in one's mind's eyein the public eye常公开露面(或出现);为公众所注目;著名的,出名的,众所周知的在公众眼里in the twinkling of an eye转眼之间,一眨眼的功夫in the wind's eye= in the eye of the windjaundiced eye有偏见(或怀疑、挑剔、妒忌)的眼光[常作 to see (或 to view with) a jaundiced eye]jump to the eye(s)被注意到,显而易见,突出keep a jealous eye on用猜疑的眼光看着;担心地注视着(与己有关的事)keep (或 have) an (或 one's) eye (或 a close eye) on (或 upon)照看,照管,照顾密切注视,监视;注意;留神keep an eye out (或 open) for密切注意;留心;警觉keep one eye on花部分精力照管(孩子等),兼顾,分心[参见 keep an eye on]keep one's eye in[英国英语](板球或其他球戏中)保持目测球的距离、速度和方向的眼;保持眼光准确使技能不荒疏keep one's eye on= keep an eye onkeep one's eye on the ball用眼睛盯着球保持警觉,戒备,警惕;小心地行动keep one's eyes off不眼馋;不去看keep one's eyes open (或 peeled 或 polished 或 skinned)留心,留神;提防,戒备,时刻警惕;警觉;密切注视,注意keep (或 have) one's weather eye (或 weather-eye) open时刻警惕;密切注视[亦作 keep a weather eye on 或 out for]knock someone's eyes out[美国俚语]给某人强烈印象;使某人惊奇,使某人目瞪口呆lay (或 set, clap) eyes on看;见到,看见,看到,瞧见;注意到[常用于否定句中]leap to the eye触目,非常明显look someone in the eye(s) (或 face)问心无愧(或心地坦然)地正视某人,直视某人look with another eye upon对…抱不同看法,对…持异见[亦作 look upon with another eye]lose an eye瞎掉一只眼make a bull's eye= hit a bull's eyemake eyes (at)向(某人)送秋波;对(某人)调情,使媚眼,以眼传情;含情脉脉地看make someone open his eyes使某人惊愕,使某人目瞪口呆(或瞠目而视)make sheep's eyes at someone= cast sheep's eyes at someonemeasure someone with one's eye用眼睛上下打量某人meet someone's eye(s)与某人目光相接;回看某人一眼;呈现meet the eye被见到;可见到,呈现在眼前显而易见mind one's eye[英国口语]注意,当心,小心,谨慎more than meets the eye事情并不像开头看到的那么简单,事实远不止此my eye![俚语]天哪!喔唷!好家伙!你看![表示惊讶或不相信、赞叹、不同意、反对]胡说,胡扯,瞎说,鬼话[亦作 My eyes! Oh, my eye!]never (或 not) take (或 tear) one's eyes off始终注视(或注意)着,目不转睛地注视着not bat an eye未曾合眼,一会儿也没睡连眼睛也不眨一眨,不动声色;全然不流露感情one in the eye[口语]令人失望(或尴尬、丢脸等)的事;断然的拒绝;挫折,失败;不幸;侮辱one's (或 the) eyes are bigger than one's (或 the) belly (或 stomach)眼馋肚饱,眼大肚小(指贪吃而食量不大)One's eyes draw (或 gather, pick) straws.[废语]眼皮睁不开。(或:昏昏欲睡。很困倦。)one's eyes drop millstones[废语](在极其悲伤前)一点也不伤心落泪,不流泪铁石心肠,残酷无情[莎士比亚用语]one's eyes flash fire(激动或生气时)眼睛冒火,怒目相向only have eyes for= have eyes only foropen someone's (或 one's) eyes (to)使(某人)看清(事实、真相等),使(某人)开窍(或理解、了解);睁大眼睛(表示惊讶)使某人复明pass one's (或 the) eye over过目,浏览pick the eyes out (of)[澳大利亚、新西兰英语](从…中)精选出pipe one's (或 the) eye(s)[戏谑语]流泪,哭play with one eye on the gallery作迎合观众趣味的表演[比喻]哗众取宠,追求廉价的声誉pore one's eyes out因凝视(或读书)过度而使眼睛疲劳(或受到损害)put one's eyes together入睡,合眼成眠put someone's eyes out[美国方言] = knock someone's eyes output the eye on someone[美国口语、俚语]打量(或审视)某人挑逗引诱(或勾引)地瞧某人put the finger in the (或 one's) eye[戏谑语]掩面而泣;流泪rivet one's eyes on凝视,注视rub one's eyes(不相信自己所见而)揉揉眼睛run one's (或 an) eye(s) over (或 down, through)浏览,扫视,过目,匆匆看scratch someone's eyes out要揍某人一顿(常指妒忌的女人而言)score a bull's eye命中靶心达到预定目标,取得成功see eye to eye (with someone)(与某人)看法完全一致,意见相同[常用于否定句]see out of the corner of one's eye从眼角里看见;看人而装作不看see with half an eye一目了然,一望而知,一看就明白see with one's own eyes目睹,亲眼看见set eyes on[口语]瞧见,看见;看set one's (或 the) eyes at flow痛哭流涕set one's eyes (或 an eye) by[美国口语]十分喜爱,看重shut one's (或 against, on) eyes to闭眼不(愿)看,假装不见,装作不知,熟视无睹,置之不理,不愿考虑sleep with one eye (或 one's eyes) open不敢睡得太熟,时刻警惕着spit in someone's eye蔑视(某人)[亦作 spit in the eye of someone]stars in one's eyes成名的梦想,希望,抱负strain one's eyes尽力注视,集中视力因用目过度而伤目力strike the (或 one's) eye醒目,引人注目;映入眼帘,跃然入目take one's eyes off不看,把目光从…移开take someone's (或 the) eye= catch someone's (或 the) eyethe apple of one's (或 the) eye掌上明珠;宝贝;珍爱物瞳孔;眼珠The eye is bigger than the belly.眼睛大肚子小;眼馋肚饱。the eye of day (或 heaven, the morning)[诗歌用语]太阳the eye of Greece雅典the eye of the law法律的观点The eyes have one language everywhere.[谚语]眼睛有一种到处都通用的语言。the eyes of a ship锚索眼,锚链孔;船首the eyes of night (或 heaven)星星the eyes of the blind盲人用手杖the outward eye肉眼the public eye群众的眼睛,社会的注意[常作 be in the public eye 或 come into the public eye]throw dust in (或 into) someone's eyes[口语]迷惑某人,蒙蔽某人throw eyes (或 the eye) at[主澳大利亚英语]向…送秋波,对…做媚眼throw one's eye on对…瞧一下,对…瞟一眼throw one's eye up(因生气或人家失礼)把两眼向上一翻throw sheep's eyes at向…送秋波to the eye乍看起来,从表面上看来,从外表看当面;公然(违抗等)turn a (或 one's) blind eye (to)(对…)视而不见,(对…)熟视无睹,(对…)假装未见;拒绝注意;不愿考虑under someone's (very) eyes(就)在某人眼前,就在某人眼皮底下,当着某人的面;(就)在某人的注意下;(就)在某人的监视下up to the (或 one's) eyes(in debt) (债台)高筑(in work) 忙得不可开交;(工作)极忙;到极点;完全(常与 be 连用)wet the other eye喝了一杯又一杯,再干一杯wipe one's eyes擦干眼泪,停止哭泣wipe the eye of someone 或 wipe someone's eye[俚语]比某人先下手而占上风(尤指捕杀另一猎人追捕的食物);(用手段)占某人便宜打掉某人的骄气,使某人看到自己的愚蠢(或狂妄)with a friendly eye友好地(看待)with a jealous eye妒忌地(看待)with all one's eyes凝视地,全神贯注地(注视)[亦作 with all the eyes in one's head]with an eye for留心着,注意着with an eye on着眼于;注意到;考虑到with an eye to the main chance着眼于私利,谋私with an eye to试图;有…的企图;考虑到;期待with dry eyes无泪地;无动于衷地with one's eyes closed[口语]不完全了解地不费力气地,轻而易举地with one's eyes glued on盯着某物with one's eyes open注意地,留心地;警惕地明知有危险(或风险)地;明知后果如何;明知(故犯)地,有意识地[亦作 with open eyes]with one's eyes shut不完全了解地不费力气地,轻而易举地(= with one's eyes closed)with the naked eye凭肉眼,用肉眼地;不戴眼镜地;不用望远镜地without batting an eye毫不流露感情地;泰然自若地worth a Jew's eye稀世珍宝般的,十分珍贵的,极为宝贵的变形n.eyeseyen 或eyne变形vt.eyedeyeing 或 eying




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